The Story


Throughout history, alchemists sought to convert the raw materials of the world into their most valuable forms.  To the ancients, this form was gold.  Part scientists, part magicians, the ancient alchemist would spend their lives in pursuit of this one singular goal, and the wealth and glory that its discovery would bring.

Modern Alchemy Concepts is founded on the idea that alchemists still walk among us everyday, just under a different title.  The Blue Collar men and women who everyday take the raw materials before them and change them to their most perfect and useful form.

The Blue Collar worker devotes themselves to the ultimate goal of taking something raw and untapped, and through skill, labor, and just a little luck, changes it to the modern marvels that shape our world.

It is for these men and women that our brand is built.  Founded by a pair of rogue gearheads,  Modern Alchemy Concepts is the brand for every Blue Collar Bad Ass who swings a hammer, strikes an arc, turns a wrench, and builds our world to its most valuable form.